Sunday, September 18, 2011

Don’t Blame Me… It’s in My Genes!!!

I guess you can blame the Romantic movies & the love ballads… cuz they actually make every girl believe that her prince charming will one day come riding a white horse or a Ferrari (choices change with times eh?) & will ask for her hand in marriage & they shall both live happily ever after… in fact, you can even blame the bubblegum pop… I mean… we women smile when we see the stupid songs by Taylor Swift that are based on Cinderella stories such as “Love story” or even “you belong with me”… don’t blame me… im a girl.. its in my genes!!!

I mean please even Justin Bieber, who does not even pass as a guy to many, sings “saw so many pretty faces before I saw you.. you… now all I see is you… im coming for you.. im coming for you… don’t need these other pretty faces like i need you.. & when you’re mine... in this world.. there’s gonna be one less lonely girl”… I mean.. let the world say Justin is ummm… whatever… I still lohove his songs man… don’t blame me… its in my genes!!!

I mean how can you not want to fall in love when you hear… How happy is the blameless vestal's lot??? The world forgetting, by the world forgot… Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!... Each pray'r accepted, and each wish resign'd… apparently great love stories never go untold… they keep resurrecting from time to time… from poems.. movies… sometimes even blogs (like these)… so how can you not wanna feel the true love that may have been heart-wrenching in reality but sugar coated so beautifully now… that you (atleast i) wanna feel the same!!! don’t blame me… its in my genes!!!

This still is the lovey dovey bit… but seriously can you really blame me??? even friends with benefits showed the same… they had the best deal in the world… pure sex… no emotions… showed what guys really think “what do you like about me… started with the eyes… ended with the boobs… really.. I thought there are so tiny… still.. BOOBS” was the true story of how guys look at a woman… but screw you Hollywood… you gave it a Bollywood ending… they fell in love in the end… & frankly, im stupid enough to believe it … now really… can you blame me?

like i said before...
don’t blame me… its in my genes!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Shu…gar Meets the Cou...gar!!!

& she makes an appearance… so loud…  every eye on her… women wonder why she is here while the men ogle at her dress that leaves little to imagination… the super low cut one piece that shows her cleavage in the front & that's so skimpily short that it makes every guy want to caress her behind… leaves every guy high & dry!!!

Jen looks at Brad & says… she is so much older to you… how can you even look at her like that… she probably is double your age… I mean… I can say… she definitely is 40… look at how loud her makeup is… it is so “to hide her age!” & Brad says “I know, but i AM a GUY” & let go of Jen’s waist to moves towards her…

In the heat of the discotheque…  the temperature was rising even higher as there were guys swirling around her… if Brad din’t reach to her 1st, he would lose a beautiful opportunity to feel the "leh" tonight…  afterall, that’s what cougars do… wear skimpy dresses & loud makeup… head to the nearby youth hangout in search of their prey… & as soon as she lays her hands on the young thing who will give her the sugar she needs… she jumps right on to him!!!

That’s when she looked straight into Brad’s eye, looked him tip to toe & gave a thumbs up grin… so he jumped right at her… holding her by her waist as Jen watches helplessly thinking to herself, he is no different & I should just have had listened to mom when she said, “Brad is just like all other guys! He will leave you for any woman who will give it to him!”

With a tear in her eye, she turns around & walk back home while Brad tries to woo this older woman… in 20 mins, she says “you wanna have coffee… my place???”…  On the way, she tells him about herself… she sounds intellectual… but that doesn’t interest him… he says "all that matters is how beautiful you are on the inside" & means it... literally... as they reach her place… he puts on a chivalrous façade & opens the car's door… walks right behind her… but as soon as she opens the house's door, he ushers her in…  she asks him to get comfy on the couch while she makes coffee…

He thinks to himself… yea right… coffee… there’s gonna be some brewing tonight as he begins to unbutton himself… when he hears Jen’s voice from behind… “Hey Sugar… my mum’s not a cougar… all she wanted to prove was that you’re just a piece of booger!!! GET LOST NOW!!!”

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Its a Home Run!!!!

Leaving your place is the most heart-wrenching thing that one can ever do… its like standing in scorching heat… heat so hard that its difficult to breathe.. heat so hard, that you cant open your eyes… heat so hard that your head hurts as if you just got hit with a 100 pound hammer!!!

Its so hard to compare the then times when your mom used to cook for you everyday & take care of you everytime you felt sick to now when you’re sick but you gotta stand up on your own & make your own food… its so hard to compare the times when you used to get sparkling clean clothes right in your hands & you needn’t wash 1 cloth on your own, to the times when you hapta wash evry cloth on your own… clothes… you even gotta clean the house.. even the washrooms on your own…

Its not just about the rights… its also about the duties… its so sad to remember how you used to go with your mum to select the size 2 & 3 clothes for the Gods in your mandir @ every janamashtami… but you don’t go anymore… its so agitating to think that this year you are not the one who is decorating the “jhuula” for “laddo gopal”… its so sad to remember how you used to help your mom arrange her kitty party, go shopping with her for the gifts, go shopping for home decors from time to time… blah blah… in short… you miss the duties… cuz in some way, they define you!!!

No wonder they say “your heart is where your home is”...
No wonder they say “home sweet home”

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Perfect. . .

Ive been the eternal bubbly... anyone who knows me knows that... okhay... so.. not eternal... but its been quite some time... about 8 - 9 years at least... i cry easy... but i laugh it off... ive laughed like crazy... till my eyes started shedding tears on their own... im the type people want to see before an exam... cuz i am always so cool & composed... i am also the type some people never wanna see before exams... cuz my cool drives them crazy... makes them feel they arent prepared enough...

i have a tendency to smile... im a little confused about life... even when everyone around is sure that im under stress, i myself dont get to know about it... so much so that at my last job... yea last job... i quit already... yea i did... why... let's not deviate from the point... i was saying that at my last organization, when people asked me, "so how is the work getting to you? do you like the work???" my answer inevitably always would be "its going fine... im sailing along!" "how is the work pressure?" "what work pressure???" *zapped*

everyone wondered how can i not get baffled @ work... how is my boss so sweet to me... i was told he treats me very well... apparently he did, just like a kid... he would even use the age old trick to get me to do work... as a kid, my parents always told me, if you get 20/20, you would be rewarded with uncle chips... when my boss figured out that i have a love for food (which he found out pretty soon... it is pretty evident), he would reward me with food whenever he wanted good quality work @ speed...he even told me this once... "you know you have so much value & give such quality work, but you eat up your brownie points ummm... ummm... " i cant remember what he said next.. i think my recorder got stuck at the brownie!!!

so that's how people generally know me... as a bubbly foody... it even reflects in my nick names...  as soon as i joined perfect... i got a nick name, gravy... 2 reasons... 1. love for food 2. my email id said "gravi@officialid"... 1 part of my job involved keeping a track of what's going on in all the accounts...  so i knew the what of what & where... from the whose on what project to the whose on leave & why... in fact, in abt 3 months... i even knew most of the extensions by heart... so i was termed yellow pages... cuz i was miss know all... & then... when my boss was to move to the new deptt & had to take a few of us along, i was a little saddy saddy... & then bady adi goes like... what will we do if you go... we need you here.. after all you're the CEO... don't get me wrong... Val is the chief executive officer... what i was, was the chief entertainment officer!!!

& today as i cut the cake of my very own birthday... i fondly remember these good old bubbly memories i had @ perfect... cuz i love cakes (actually food in general)... & perfect cuts tasty tasty cakes for its employees on their birthday... it was a short, but a sweet stint... kinna like the perfect cake... dusnt taste good if its over baked or under baked... just the right amount of baked... to make it another sweet memory!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Each night when I fall asleep...
its sweet sound acts like a lullaby…
my day may have been good, bad, horrible...
but the air blows through it &
its sweet symphony melts my heart…
eases my mind & soothes me…
It produces a melody every night...
that puts my mind & heart to rest in a way that is indescribable…

Before I sleep, I smile for no reason…
like you do when your in love…
I feel the very same warmth…
like you do when you are being hugged…
I love the feeling it gives me…
the sweet little butterfly hanging between the resonant hollow pillars…
I love the melody they create in tandem…
my sweet everyday lullaby!!!