Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Heights of Love… The Chase!!!

So Grata & Mel, got washed & changed & headed back to the Spurs… As obvious, it was closed… so the girls headed to the Diner for a Brunch… where Mel was curious to get a story & Grata was starving… & as Grata anxiously awaited the food, Mel pleaded for the story… Grata said “Life was so easy once upon a time.. The colorful reds & blues & yellows & greens… assemble ‘m all & make a lego house… that feeling of achievement when my pretty skyscraper stood… my own lego scraper…” Mel – “G! The ADAM story” Grata said “hey, im getting to it… my point is… life is so simple… you see them dots… you connect them together… how did we make life so complicated?”

Mel, “OKAY, GIVE ME the SIMPLE ‘ADAM’ story… don’t complicate it with matters of life”… So Grata told Mel about how she saw him the 1st time… & was scared… but how he grew on her… & that he kissed her & for a moment, the world stopped & how she shooed him away… Mel – “Awwww, how romantic of him & how UTTERLY stupid of you” The ladies were excited about the night, when they would head back to Spurs & either find Adam there or at least get some head start on where to find him!

Adam & his band were rehearsing for their performance that night, jamming at Def Leppard’s “Women” when Alex tugged Adam’s shirt at the end of the song & said “You went away, HOW daaaaaaare you?” just the way Grata did & said the same last night!!! “What’s the deal man??? Who is sheeee??? Where does she come frooooom??? Office colleagueeee??? High School romanceeeee... back with vengeance!!! How come none, LIKE NONE of us know her?” Adam – “Just rehearse you guys… there’s no deal here…!” There sure is a deal… nobody had seen Adam so protective of any girl, ever! The band had to know so they asked Matt as Adam walked off… but, all Matt knew was Adam insisted that as the girls were crazy high, we take them home & we don’t even try & score with them & ensure they get to their place safe when they sober up! “He saw her sleep the whole time & asked me to keep my hands to myself” he whispered… Adam gave up no details to Matt.

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