Story begins at
Grata tried to open her eyes… OH! but this MASSIVE
headache… with great difficulty, she did… only to find a guy smiling &
staring at her… “Mooooorrning Sunshiiiiineee”, he said… “here… drink this…
you’d feel better!” As she leaned forward to grab the glass, there were
thoughts running in her head… The major ones being… whose bed is this… who is
this guy… why is he being so nice to me… WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT??? Aaaaargh*
“you know, you’re a very cute drunk” the
guy said.. Grata responded “ummmm… thanks I guess… ummmm.. I kinna don’t …”
“remember what happened last night?” said him… she said “Actually, aaa.. I was
gonna say, uuuummm… I don’t remember your name, but um… I guess I don’t recall
a lotta last night either” “Matt, my name is Matthew… we met at Spurs last night… //Grata's thinking superseding Matt’s words – we went to McLinch… drank a lot…
Scott was being a jerk flirt… I was upset about Adam… how much did I drink… a
lot I guess… there was karaoke… I cried… how tacky… Mel dragged me to Spurs…
it was loud… All I wanted was to talk to Adam… oh shit!!! S H O T S… did I dance at the bar
table??? Yikess… I was outta my mind… Did I get stoned??? *blank #blinkeyes *blank
#errorintrailofthoughts>// & so you broke our table” Grata interrupted, “I
BROKE YOUR TABLE????” Matt “yes, & the Whisky Glasses… so we put you off to
sleep in here & Mel still is the royal queen on our massage chair!”
Grata - “So Mel, I know you mean good… but
if you ever do this to me again, I am GOING to KILL YOU!” “Excuse me, but you
are the one who is supposed to provide answers tonight baby”, said Mel, “I
agree I dragged you to Spurs… & I insisted on getting stoned… but what got into
you when Matt & his band got on the stage?”
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